Pathway to Success

The partnership includes three areas of emphasis, following what is commonly called a Guided Pathway to Success model.

Students in biology lab

First Area of Emphasis

  • Students will receive intensive academic advising while using “degree maps” to help them chart their academic course.
  • They also will experience individualized mentorship, cohort learning, and embedded course tutoring at the community college and university institutions.

Second Area of Emphasis

  • Students will conduct independent research projects with faculty at the community college and later at UNC Charlotte.
  • Research at UNC Charlotte will include both summer and academic term independent research in a laboratory, conducting cutting-edge biomedical sciences research.
  • These experiences will culminate in poster and oral presentations both on campus and at national scientific meetings as well as opportunities to publish in peer-reviewed journals.

Third Area of Emphasis

  • To promote a sense of inclusion and understanding of how biomedical sciences fit in the broader community context, transfer students will be paired with senior student mentors at the university level
  • They will attend regional networking events for biomedical professionals.
  • They also will participate in professional development workshops, and take courses in bioethics.